Paul Gunn
Senior Pastor
Brother Paul became the pastor of Tusculum Hills in 2013. His love for the Word of God is reflected in the detail evident in his sermons and Bible Studies. He also serves as the Wing Chaplain for the local base of the Air National Guard. Find him on The Paul Gunn Podcast, Facebook Live (Wednesday's at 6:15 pm CST), or subscribe to his sermons on YouTube.
Kim Wood
Ministry Assistant
Kim provides the overall administrative assistance to every ministry at Tusculum Hills. With over 25 years of experience serving our church family, she has the institutional knowledge and recall that makes our church effective in all we seek to do for the kingdom.
Frank Lewis
Revitalization Pastor
Pastor Frank is a pastor, coach, problem solver, disciple maker, and teacher. When he is not doing these things at Tusculum Hills, he is a member of NAMB's Revive Team encouraging pastors around the country teaching expository preaching and clergy self-care.
Terry Hudgins
International Outreach Pastor
Terry combines his love for children and families with his love for international missions to help Tusculum Hills minister to the international families that make up the neighborhood surrounding our church campus. With seven different language congregations meeting under our roof each week, Terry is a friend and an equipper to the international pastors and congregations who call Tusculum Hills home.
William Lankford
Minister of Music
William is pursuing a Music Business degree at MTSU. A lifelong resident of Middle Tennessee, William has over a decade of choral experience having sung in the Nashville Children's Choir and the Children's and Youth Choirs of Nashville's First Baptist Church. His love for Christ and his creativity using hymns and modern worship songs is reflected in the worship services he plans and leads each week.
Shannon Moore
Preschool and Children's Ministry Coordinator
Shannon gives leadership to our ministry with children and preschoolers. She coordinates our Worship Care Ministry which allows parents of our youngest attendees to engage in HOME Groups and Worship Services.
Marilyn Hutchinson
Church Pianist
Marilyn plays the piano for our church worship services and provides the accompaniment for Hymns We Love, Wednesday nights at 6:30 on Facebook Live. There may be a song that Marilyn cannot play on the piano, but if there is, we have not discovered it yet.
Amelia Workman
Church Organist
A member of Tusculum Hills, Amelia is the pianist for Giles Creek Baptist Church but is a frequent guest at our organ.
Juan Natal
Renovacion Pastor
Pastor Juan is the Pastor of Renovacion Church, our Hispanic Church that meets in our building. Juan is currently completing his seminary studies through the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and is giving his full time and attention to completing his studies and growing Renovacion Church.